Searching for a property in Costa Rica? We help you build, manage, and succeed, with your property.

Begin your seamless investment journey with us.
Start Your Journey Now

We transform what could be a complicated and stressful journey into an easy process and minimize any risk.

With the right guidance and expertise, investing in a new property can be a well-managed and secure venture. Strategic decisions, informed by expert advice, ensure that our clients are positioned for success from the very start. We do this through calculated financial gain and avoidance of financial loss, maximized use of time, and inclusion of legal measures to mitigate the unexpected.
We specialize in offering high-end curated properties and are committed to guiding you every step of the way. 
We are excited to work with you to achieve your goals.

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How can we help you?

Explore the advantages of making your dream house at Boutique Life Costa Rica
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About us

We are the bridge between your dream and reality, specializing in supporting Canadians to purchase property in an efficient, cost-effective and secure way. 
Jointly based in Toronto, Canada, and San Jose, Costa Rica, we have more than three decades of experience in property development, real estate, architecture, and interior design. 
We provide Canadians with an all-inclusive service:
   — Property acquisition, design, and project management
    — Development of the land and its infrastructure
    — Property management beyond the life of its construction
 With a minimum investment of $500,000, you will receive expert guidance and personalized attention.

What People Say About Us

Here are just a few of the happy clients that have gone through their investment process with the our help.
"Investing in properties in Costa Rica has been a game-changer for me. The low cost of living and favorable real estate market have made it a prime opportunity. I've not only acquired affordable properties but also witnessed significant appreciation in their value. It's a wise investment choice with the added benefit of an amazing tropical lifestyle."
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Jenny Watson, Product Manager
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“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed rutrum porta enim et pellentesque. Vivamus a urna id risus facilisis dapibus. Vestibulum ac gravida urna.”
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Nathan Smith, Product Designer
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“Vivamus sollicitudin, nulla et tincidunt volutpat, orci erat eleifend erat, in aliquet metus turpis id erat. Vestibulum ligula dui, facilisis non enim ut, convallis condimentum nibh. Mauris feugiat et ante et tristique. Ut eget ante non orci rutrum ullamcorper. Nunc non odio nec tortor vehicula luctus.”
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Luke Harper, UX Designer
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+ (001) 416 628-5000
Office address
5000 Yonge Street, Suite 1901 Toronto, Ontario M2N 7E9, Canada